Hi There; You Guys Have Beautiful Stuff and a Great Variety!! Come show Off and Get In and Connected... WATCH THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9PmyzafUh4 Who do you know that would like to Join us for an exciting Medical Cannabis Industry Party on Jan. 17th! With Full Day Industry Career Seminars the next day! Respond to PJBelanger7@gmail.com ASAP to Register and Claim Your Table! You'll Be Happy You Participated! If you'd like to show your 'Wears' and Participate as a Vendor in the Mixer... (Or Know Some else that might) Hosted By: Cannabis Career Inst**ute and Las Vegas Cannabis Information Center (Referred By PJ Belanger) ** JOIN US TO LAUNCH AN EXCITING EPIC YEAR FOR THE CANNABIS INDUSTRY! Just Announced and confirmed....Medicinal Michael & Ponyboy Of Los Marijuanos will be at the mixer with a few other GREAT guests, Also the Grand Prize for the raffle will be free tuition for the class on the 18th furnished by Cannabis Career Inst**ute Also A few other great prizes did someone say Nectar Collector, Vape pens, Glass and a whole lot more. **VENDOR SPACE AVAILABLE: Respond to PJBelanger7@gmail.com ASAP to Participate, Reserve and Claim Your Table! This event is in Las Vegas. We will be having this free party with cash and carry bar at the Tahiti Village Resort on South LasVegas Blvd. See You There; PJ (PureJoy) Belanger 702-338-7870