I've lived in this neighborhood for all my life. My dad who passed was acquaintances with the owner. I went into Monster Glass one day and there was a girl that the owner even said himself was really young as a cashier. I had talked to her about the new shop that opened on leavenworth not to long ago. Some how in that time, i guess i was being rude for just stating that there's another store that sells the same thing as monster glass and that she should go check out. i didn't think i was being one bit rude to this girl. I seen on Craigslist that Monster Glass was hiring on the 14th of this month, 2016. Figured i may have a chance and so i gave it a shot. Showed up to monster glass and right away.. 2:30 pm no one is there but a sign reads on the back door.. BRB. okay so i go sit in my car and wait a few minutes. The owner Chris Jones, pulls up in his truck and gets out. i get out of my car and i simply say i seen your post on CL that you were hiring before i even get done asking, he says i'm not hiring your dumb ass i asked why? and he replies because you were in here giving my employee a hard time telling her to goto a different store. & continues on to say the cameras caught it & didn't you know there was 9 camera's in the store? Yeah i know there's cameras, a******. I'm 23 and have more knowledge than you and your young girl that works your store. With living in this neighbor hood and you having mutual friends with my father. I can honestly say that you're not that great of a guy. You may own your own business and be part of a local motorcycle gang but that doesn't give you any right to call me or any one for the matter, a dumb ass. If anyone is a dumb ass. It's you. You own a business selling s***ty imported glass with other c*** that's irrelevant to the smoking industry. I see the same stuff you sell at Monster Glass sell at Midtown Gas and Grocery right down the street for $25.00 cheaper. I have purchased s*** from you in the past. literally. s*** & past. it's gone now. i'll also say that a few stores in the area have your quality pipes and water pipes too. But atleast the selection is wide enough to tell between a good piece and a bad piece. bad piece being thin glass and easily breakable. @MonsterGlass all you get is thin glass so it's going to break. That's how they make their money, ripping people off. Quite frankly, The only reason i was interested in employment from Monster Glass was a little extra money coming my way while i went to school. Otherwise i wouldn't even try. it's not exactly the career i'd persue.