A bunch of us took our spring break at Daytona Beach. We got to catch the tail end of Bike Week, fantastic, plus all of the great beach and club parties, met a couple of duds and a few geeks, but for the most part just lots of super new friends. Fantastic beach, outrageous scenery, outstanding bands, loads of fun, just outstanding; met people from FSU, UF, UA, UGA, GSU, BCC, Savannah, Wesleyan even Emory. Friends from BCC hocked us up with some excellent smokes from some ex-military guys; 7th mountain corps north face and south face mixtures, unique. We tried at least six different blends, all really unique. They didn’t all impacted each of us the same, but they were impactful; some moooore than others, but different with each of us, really unique mixtures. North stuff was relaxing, great at the beach for setting a mood, south blends were more stimulating. One great thing was that the law in Daytona new the stuff and we enjoyed it right in the open, the stuff is 100% Legal, it says so right on the packages; and everyone in ‘power’ knew it was legit. Those Floridians & Georgians-Alabamians, know their smokes. Friends from BCC gave us the address of a shop near Cocoa where we can buy on-line but would like to get it locally, any way Ohio can get it for us? Logan