High there! My name is Antoine, I'm doing original and creative pictures of Mary, you can see some of my work on my Instagram where everything started (@NaturalGanja) or on my website that I am still developping at the moment so it is still very basic but running (www.naturalganjaphotography.com). I do prints of any size that I sell to individuals or to cannabis related business for decoration or as products for them to sell. But since 420 is approaching I decided to create the first and only calendar that starts on 420 and runs all the way till the next one (4/20 2017). Each month featuring one picture and stoners facts. It is a 28 pages, 8.5x11 , wall calendar that I sell for $25 a piece or for $15 if bulk order (at least 20 calendars) + delivery. Let me know if you are interested, if you have any request or just would like to chat. I can be reached through my email or personal mobile 7786831042. If not thanks for your time, take care Antoine