My email to Senator Warren. Feel free to copy. Good afternoon Madam Senator, In the opening paragraph of your About Me section, it states you are a fearless consumer advocate. I am hoping that you can continue that advocacy with regards to vaping and e-cigarettes. I was a smoker for 20 years and before e-cigarettes, tried everything to quit, included Chantix, and FDA approved drug, which sent me to the hospital after suffering panic attacks. After many unsuccessful attempts at quitting, I thought I'd give vaping a try. That was in April of 2014 and I haven't had a cigarette since. In the history of the anti-smoking movement, there has never been a safer alternative to smoking. Not only is it safer, but it's ingenious. It's innovative. It's created an entire industry. It's created jobs. Isn't that what politicians like to tout most, the creation of jobs? I agree the industry needs standards. Of course they do. But what the industry does not need is to be ruined by government and bureaucracy, ridiculously exorbitant filing fees. This current ruling by the FDA is clearly designed to bring this industry back into the hands of big tobacco. Please don't stand by and let this happen. Please make sure my voice is heard. Protect me, the consumer. Protect the thousands of new jobs in this state alone. Vapers are voters. Thank you, Steve