Just a friendly reminder, to purchase ANYTHING in the HOOKAH ROOM OR PIPE ROOM you MUST be 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. We are unsure of where people are getting the idea that Hookah's and Hookah accessories only require the person to be 16 years of age or older? This is FALSE!!! ANY and ALL tobacco products require the person buying to be 18 years of age or older. Also, if a group of people come in and only 1 person is 18 or older and the rest ARE NOT we CAN NOT sell you anything. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW. Even if someone comes in with a parent we can NOT sell them any tobacco products. If we feel a tobacco product is being purchased from someone OF AGE but they are giving it to someone UNDER age WE WILL NOT SERVE YOU!!!! Please understand this everyone. It is common sense. If someone comes in trying to buy tobacco products and has a car full of people who are not 18 (and we will check and ID them) you will NOT be served. Please be respectful of the store!! We appreciate everyone's business and continued support. We hope to be here serving all of you for years to come. As long as people respect our rules and abide by regular laws we will be here! Thank you everyone for your continued support!!