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Brians Smoke Shop updated their cover photo.
Posted 8 years, 8 months Ago
h***o, I’m Linda, glad to visit your page, share with you Efan new vapor battery: Efan IMR 18650 3100mah 40A battery and 18650 3000mah 60A battery,good vapor battery for mods and electronic cigarettes, last long time, By the way, my company will attend the exhibition in Las Vegas of USA in March next year, welcome your presence. Email:efan2(@)sz-worldsales(dot)com Skype:efan.sales2, What’s App: +86 18720076685 QQ:1917455787
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
Greenlightvapes Original H-enail
Posted 9 years, 5 months Ago
If you like this,please contact
Posted 9 years, 10 months Ago
kindly like my new page and see you soon
Posted 10 years Ago
This is our newest produce Vapormax V . 2600mAh with 8 different colors, there have many products in stock now.
Posted 10 years, 10 months Ago
visit the research portal for friends of cannabis :)
Posted 10 years, 10 months Ago
Posted 11 years, 2 months Ago
Yall need these!!!! hit me up for special pricing ;)#)
Posted 11 years, 9 months Ago
Just back from spring break in Panama City: great time: sun, outrageous new smoking blends, ‘manymany hot new friends’, loads of parties, A FUN TIME HAD BY ALL. Learned FL is outlawing pipes, those folks have lost it down there; my grandfather, uncles and dad all smoke pipes, what’s up with these people. Plus on TV down there a law firm that the former governor is in is pushing to legalize pot while the new governor is outlawing pipes, you’ll be able to buy pot, just not able to smoke it in a pipe; these people are ‘different’.
Tried six new mixtures, north and south face herbal blends; made by folks in FL that support shops against the no-pipe law. The blends are awesome and legal according to the owner of the shop; he loved the herb guy’s blends and for helping him stand up against the new law. We found the north face and south blends when we were shopping for pipes at his shop right down from Pineapple Willy’s. We met a people at Harpoon-Harry’s from Chicago who told us IL has a law against what’s called ‘paraphernalia’ plus others told us NC, NJ and other states are doing the same thing. As long as they don’t screw around with papers I’ll be OK, but now’s the time to get deals on pipes, at least in FL, I sure did. If you’re looking for pipes, check out the north and south face blends while you’re at it, you’ll like them.
Posted 11 years, 10 months Ago