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The Owl is looking for part time counter help. Evenings.....Must be 21. Apply in person. Owl Cigar Store 626 Main St. Canon City, Co.
Posted 8 years, 9 months Ago
Posted 8 years, 10 months Ago
Has anyone been following, the situation, in Oregon??? Pete Santilli, has been jailed for his involvement!!! Is this the end of a burger legacy...Rocky Rat....I am so sad!!!😊😊😊
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
I have eaten many a double double with a malt there since 1981! Even stopped in last August while visiting my old haunts in Canon City!
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
This shot of Main Street is from around 1954. If you look closely, way back on the right hand side next to a sign that appears to say can see The Owl's sign! It was in the form of a very large owl at the time. Quite a bit of life on Main in those days !!
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
Another Day On The Rock Pile.....Circa 1929 !!
Posted 9 years, 1 month Ago
Merry Christmas and a Great 2016 to all our Friends, Families, and Awesome Customers !!!! Many Thanks !!!
Posted 9 years, 3 months Ago

Hi, it's Chris from the We help Tobacconist retailers to get and keep more customers. I wanted to reach out to you because I see you’re doing some good things with your Facebook page; however, compared to other retailers, there are many more “simple†things that you should be doing that can explode the effectiveness of your Facebook and marketing overall.
If you want to know about these specifically, I’m happy to help. For a limited time, you can get a Free, custom sales & marketing action plan from me. The simple plan will map out how you can get & keep more customers and increase revenue in the next 30 days and beyond.
Best part is.... there's no catch or cost for this. Just pure business building value for you!
Get your custom marketing plan here, spots are limited:
Talk to you soon!
PS: Like our page as well & get awesome tips on how to grow your Tobacconist business for the long-haul right here:
Posted 9 years, 3 months Ago
Out the back window of The Owl this morning. He wanted a Double Double....
Posted 9 years, 3 months Ago