Providence Smoke Shop in Las Vegas

290 of 6,848


7181 North Hualapai Way
Las Vegas, NV 89166

Phone Number:

(702) 998-2933


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Do you have any job openings? Maybe need an extra hand with inventory or anything else?

Posted 9 years, 2 months Ago
h***o There! My name is Adam and I work for WebbedGraphics. We are a leading Web Design Company based here in Las Vegas. I would like to offer you our July Special. We are currently offering a Fully Responsive 5 Page Website for just $249! That's over 50% off our regular rate. Please Call 702-850-0890 to reach me or Visit to check out our portfolio.

Posted 9 years, 8 months Ago
Hi friend, sorry to disturb you here. This is Blake from China manufacturer GaosimaiTech which supply a wide variety of e-cigarette starter kits/mods/atomizers/batteries, vaporizers, e liquids and related accessories. Latest catalog and price list could be sent if interesting, look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, email:, Skype: gaosimai.sales10

Posted 10 years, 2 months Ago
i am supplying glass pipes and water pipes from china, if you are interested, pls tell me your e-mail, so i can send you my catalog and price list. thanks Mike

Posted 10 years, 9 months Ago
i am supplying glass pipes and water pipes from china, if you are interested, pls tell me your e-mail, so i can send you my catalog and price list. thanks Mike

Posted 10 years, 9 months Ago
Hi, I would like to introduce myself if you don't know me, my name is Glen......all my friends call me "Gee".....I hope you'll be a friend and call me Gee too... I'm contacting you in regards to a new product that I invented and would like to introduce to you and your company for possible distribution/retail sales. It is called "RoachRing". It is a "Hands-Free" way to smoke "rolled" tobacco related products. Essentially, it's a roach clip on a ring.......Roach Ring!! My product allows anyone the ability to smoke without ever having to put their "smoke" down......this is possible because the ring suspends the smoke in the air with the help of the alligator clip. It is an ingenious way to smoke and people love Roach Ring for the following reasons..... 1. No smell on fingers 2. No stains on fingers 3. allows user to do online gaming and still keep smoking while never putting down the controller or, stopping the gaming experience. 4. Roach Rings give the user the ability to type while never putting their smoke down. 5. For during harvest when fingers are very sticky! 6. For when driving and having "Hands Free" is a must for safety. 7. Allows women with fake nails to smoke easily. Do ANYTHING....HANDS FREE while using the RoachRing!! The rings come in 2 variations currently: small clip (The mini) & the big clip (The maxi) The colours of the rings are: pink, black, green, silver. There are 24 rings per box. currently 8 boxes would make a full set. I can however split boxes 1/2 1/2 of same colour to cut your costs for the first order. The rings retail at $9.95-$9.99 and wholesale at $4.95-$4.99 I have attached a price list and some pics........if you want you can friend me on FB (RoachRing) or, add me to your Skype @ Roachring Here is a Roach Ring video you can check out from Spannabis in Malaga, Spain. Thanks for your time and considerations. Gee

Posted 10 years, 10 months Ago
black Friday sale! up to 25% off on all hookah, waterpipes, small pipes, 15% off on all vapes, electronic cigs starting at 25 bucks rechargeable and 7 bucks for disposable starbuzz tobacco $1 off now only 7.99 spend 50 bucks get a FREE LED FLASHLIGHT!!!! LOCATION 7181 N. HUALAPAI WAY. 89166 PHONE (702) 998-2933 i'll be here working all day so come on down to say hi or even buy a few things xmas is coming up time to get ur gifts and get it out of the way early happy holidays to everyone and happy thanksgivin

Posted 11 years, 3 months Ago
Outstanding !!!

Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago
Today we are closeing at 1 p.m. happy holiday! Reg hrs tomorrow

Posted 11 years, 9 months Ago
now have an instagram fallow us at smokeshoplv

Posted 11 years, 12 months Ago
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Providence Smoke Shop online

Providence Smoke Shop is a Smoke Shop / Head Shop in Las Vegas, Nevada. Providence Smoke Shop may offer a wide range of products such as tobacco,glass pipes, herbal supplies, vaporizers, electronic cigarettes, hookahs, Shisha, discount tobacco, cigars and smoking accessories. Anyone in Nevada should stop by or check out this smoke shop online or give them a call today!
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