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Huge shout out to smoke zone for makin my 710 soo awesome I just took home an $880 Sinbad glass oil rig for the free after winning a raffle they held this evening thanks guys!!
Posted 9 years, 7 months Ago
Enjoyed your shop today, you've got some great glass!
Posted 9 years, 9 months Ago
What is more popular the Pinnacle Pro or the 2.0?
Do they both produce the same amount of vapor?
Posted 10 years, 11 months Ago
Hey Dan and Elliott. Please consider trying to attend this meeting on Weds evening at 7pm for our north end district businesses.
Rivet posted an event to Smoke Zone's timeline.
Posted 11 years, 8 months Ago
excited for the 710 raffle : D let me know how that turns out
Posted 11 years, 9 months Ago
Bought The Vapor Blunt here. Badass portable rechargeable vaporizer. Advice if you buy it: Leave it on, for 3-4 minutes before packing it. Won't have any problems.
Posted 11 years, 9 months Ago
when is/was the raffle??
Posted 11 years, 10 months Ago
still needa talk to your owner, msg me for #?
Posted 11 years, 10 months Ago
Posted 12 years, 8 months Ago
y'all fixin to have a 4/20 party?
Posted 12 years, 10 months Ago