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Wholesale for Starter kits,EGO series(20typies) ,MODs (86 types), Kanger product(40 types),Innokin product(15 types),OEM Atomizers(30 types),RDA’S/RBA’S(64types),E- liquid ,Batteryies(36 types),510 dtip tip (88 types),EGO stand &display stand(75types),ect . Compet**ive price !!!( skype:cig-fly02 or info myou can find:
Posted 10 years, 4 months Ago
Hi, how are you?
I'm contacting you in regards to our product "Roach Ring" and to see if you'd be interested in stocking Roach Ring in your store.
You can check out our Roach Ring facebook page for photos and comments of our product.
My name is Gee and I'm the inventor of Roach Ring and, the owner of the company Roach Ring and I look forward to doing business with you in the near future.
Thank you for your time and considerations of my product.
Posted 10 years, 6 months Ago
What is ur phone # because the one I have doesn't work! Need to see if u all carry something I'm looking for
Posted 10 years, 11 months Ago
hey i saw the iguana cage in the window of your old shop and was woundering if i could get that for my iguana since it's just sitting there and not being put to use. THANKS :)
Posted 11 years, 1 month Ago
You guys wouldn't happen to carry salvia would you?
Posted 11 years, 4 months Ago
Key West is an awesome shop with a great selection of glass pieces!!!!
Posted 11 years, 4 months Ago
I need to pass a drug test tomorrow anything to help me there??
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
Hi Brother gary!! Business looks like doing well!!
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
Posted 11 years, 8 months Ago
Who would like a pet for the summer?
Posted 11 years, 8 months Ago